Dedicated Interface for Third Party Service Provider (test)
According to Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz (ZAG) §§ 45, 48, 50 we, as an account servicing payment service provider, support a technical access interface (XS2A) to all online available payment accounts for payment service providers issuing card-based payment instruments, account information service providers and payment initiation service providers.
The technical implementation is done with Berlin Group specification version 1.2 by our technical service provider Fiducia & GAD IT AG.
In this context we offer an interface for sandbox testing beginning on the 14.03.2019.
More general Information on the Berlin Group NextGen specification will be given only via the Berlin Group Website and the NISP–Project.
Production for the Dedicated Interface of Third Party Service Provider
According to Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz (ZAG) §§ 45, 48, 50 we, as an account servicing payment service provider, support a technical access interface (XS2A) to all online available payment accounts for payment service providers issuing card-based payment instruments, account information service providers and payment initiation service providers.
The technical implementation is done with Berlin Group specification version 1.2 by our technical service provider Fiducia & GAD IT AG. On 14th June 2019 it is possible to use the interface in a productional environment.
For question concerning accounts please contact
Frau Elke Huwe
Phone: 07154-206241 or E-Mail: elke.huwe(at)
For further information on technical details concerning our NextGen implementation and accesses to the XS2A interface please use Fiducia.